Sunday 23 February 2014

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I think it is important to evaluate your work because it enables you to reflect on what went well and what things can be improved on. Through evaluating my work, it allowed other people to feedback on what is positive and negative about my music videos and ancillary products and enables me to make any necessary changes.  Once we finished our rough cut of our music video, we uploaded it onto YouTube. We decided to use YouTube to showcase our music video as it encourages the person viewing to leave comments. This is beneficial when it comes to evaluating our work as it gives us a different person’s perspective on our work.  YouTube is also suitable to showcase our work as it is a worldwide video-sharing website site therefore has a large viewing audience.

One comment we received from YouTube was “The artist is only present in the performance and it is not his situation he is relating to”. However in order for us to conform to Dyers star theory, the artist must appear absent for the consumer. In order for this to happen we decided to use a male and female to act within the narrative rather than use the artist himself. Therefore this enables the audience to relate to the artist as he is singing about a situation which most likely and individual watching has also experienced. Therefore this encourages the audience to relate to the artist through his facial expressions within the performance, on the basis that they have a good understanding of what the song is about.

 Another comment we received was “The performance should be more integrated with the narrative” However this relates back to the previous point as in for us to make the artist appear absent from the consumer the narrative and performance need to be separate. However we did show a relationship between the lyrics and visuals. An example is when the artist sings ‘I remember years ago’ he is seen to be in an isolated location. This is then followed by a flashback implying that the artist is reminiscing over his own memories. It also connotes that he is sad due to his own personal experience of a relationship breakup.

 The third comment we received from YouTube was “The music video displays elements that are typically seen in these kinds of videos” This is a positive comment as it highlights that by conforming to the codes and conventions a pop music video, it has attracted our target audience making our music video a success.

The comments made me feel positive as a producer as I feel that the audience responded well to the music video I created. Even though there were some negative comments in relation to the narrative and performance based element of the music video, I feel that this was constructive criticism that just gave us room to improve the music video even more. This was effective as through creating a rough cut we were able to get constructive feedback that gave us the opportunity to improve our final cut. The feedback I got would help me if i was working in the media industry as I have learnt that the audience prefer for the artist to feature in the narrative as they want to be able to relate to the artists lifestyle. 

Did you make any changes based on the feedback?

Friday 21 February 2014

Evaluation - Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Monday 17 February 2014

Target Audience Feedback

Target Audience Feedback
  • Why is audience feedback important to a production?
Audience feedback is important to a production as you are able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our through the comments of the target audience. This is effective as it allows you to see if you have created a successful music video and whether it meets the audiences expectations. Depending on the comments received from the target audience we can take into consideration of what they have said in order for us to make any necessary improvements. These improvements could be to do with the way in which we have edited something or even the narrative. From doing this it enables us to ensure that we have created a successful pop music video that appeals to our target audience.
  • How did you receive audience feedback from your target audience? (screening of production, focus group, questionnaires)
In order for us to receive feedback from our work, we uploaded our music video to YouTube. This is one of the most popular video sharing networks that reaches a worldwide audience. Another reason as to why we decided to showcase our music video on YouTube is because its a mainstream social network in which people around the ages of 14 - 30 use to view the most recent music videos and therefore through uploading our video, therefore it is likely be viewed by people of the same age as our target audience (14-24 years old). YouTube was also effective as it encourages the viewers to leave comments and to like the videos once they have been viewed. This was vital in the process as we wanted to see whether our music video was successful through the feedback. By looking at the the positive and negative feedback, I am able to identify the strengths and weaknesses within my music video and whether we conformed to the conventions of a pop music video. 

One comment we received from YouTube was “The artist is only present in the performance and it is not his situation he is relating to”. However in order for us to conform to Dyers star theory, the artist must appear absent for the consumer. In order for this to happen we decided to use a male and female to act within the narrative rather than use the artist himself. Therefore this enables the audience to relate to the artist as he is singing about a situation which most likely and individual watching has also experienced. Therefore this encourages the audience to relate to the artist through his facial expressions within the performance, on the basis that they have a good understanding of what the song is about.

 Another comment we received was “The performance should be more integrated with the narrative” However this relates back to the previous point as in for us to make the artist appear absent from the consumer the narrative and performance need to be separate. However we did show a relationship between the lyrics and visuals. An example is when the artist sings ‘I remember years ago’ he is seen to be in an isolated location. This is then followed by a flashback implying that the artist is reminiscing over his own memories. It also connotes that he is sad due to his own personal experience of a relationship breakup. 

The third comment we received from YouTube was “The music video displays elements that are typically seen in these kinds of videos” This is a positive comment as it highlights that by conforming to the codes and conventions a pop music video, it has attracted our target audience making our music video a success. 
  • How would this feedback benefit your production and the industry?
The feedback I received will benefit the music industry as social networking sites are often used as a key source for promoting new and popular artists. Therefore through using one of the most mainstream social networks (YouTube) it successfully promoted my production. The feedback will benefit my production as I am able to evaluate my work through considering the positive and negative feedback. I am also able to see whether my video was a success in appealing to the target audience of 14-24 year olds by creating a conventional music video.
  • Explain how you have followed the aims of the brief by creating a music video
The brief for the media coursework was to construct a music video of a maximum of 5 minutes, and to create ancillary products such as a magazine advert and a digipak. This required us to work as a group in which I joined up with three other group members; Jagoda Jasionowska, Dipika Sharma and Jamie Gregory. I have followed the aims of the brief as I created a music video that was in the given time limit. We also carried out research as a group to find out what the target audience expect to see within the music video before creating it in order for it to be successful. Before creating our group ancillary products, each group member conducted research on pop magazine adverts and digipak and designed their own. This was so that our products would all be conventional to the pop genre appealing to our target audiences expectations. Overall I think that my group and I created a successful music video as we conformed to the expected codes and conventions of a pop music video which received positive comments from our target audience.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Evaluation - Question 2

Evaluation - Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?